Delicious, sweet and tart prickly pear lemonades lemonades, with both our signature flavors; lavender & sumac.
A beautiful fuchsia mix of local prickly pear juice and lemon juice, sweetened with stevia, and steeped with flavors of sumac or lavender
A beautiful fuchsia mix of local prickly pear juice and lemon juice, sweetened with stevia, and steeped with flavors of sumac or lavender
You can find out more at pricklyfoods.com.

"Here is The brand new design for prickly pear lemonades. A gorgeous design made for us by woman and Native owned design firm Nahi and some beautiful shots of them from our release event on Sat by @jesree The new design features an outline of Shiprock (Tsé Bitʼaʼí ), a nod to our cofounder’s roots in the area, with transparent rolling clouds showing the dazzling fuchsia color of the drinks peeking through. We’re so happy with the new look and watch out for these little lemmys in store shelves soon at partners."