When the Town of Natick reached out to me, their current seal showed a racist and inaccurate scene: an image of John Elliot preaching to Indigenous peoples sitting as children in front of him. With Natick's history in mind, I worked with the Natick Town Seal Review committee with a charge to develop a new town seal. We ultimately created three designs that were then voted on by the public and the committee.

People who have lived in this area over time have long maintained a bridge over the Charles River. One of the first known written descriptions of the area, highlights one bridge, constructed of stone and wood that withstood ice flows. That bridge was built
by the Indigenous people who came together to establish Natick as a mission
community in 1651.
Bridges connect communities and make them stronger. It shows the enduring nature of community and ties together centuries of Natick history. The water is a force that continues to move this community forward ebbing and flowing but always moving towards a better future.

More history on the town seal can be found here at the link below.